Hier finden Sie externe Informationen aus nationalen und internationalen Fachpublikationen und Links zu verschiedenen Taxa der Erhaltungskulturen und verwandten Themen.
Aichele D, Schwegler H.-W. (2000): Die Blütenpflanzen Mitteleuropas. - Stuttgart.
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Ågren J, Fortunel C, Ehrlén J (2006): Selection on floral display in insect-pollinated Primula farinosa: effects of vegetation height and litter accumulation. Oecologia 150: 225–232.
Alford DV (1997): Farbatlas der Schädlinge an Zierpflanzen. Stuttgart: 477 S.
Alley H, Affolter JM (2004): Experimental comparison of reintroduction methods for the endangered Echinacea laevigata (Boynton and Beadle) Blake. Natural Areas J. 24: 345-350.
Antkowiak W, Niemann J, Wojciechowski, A (2017): The assessment of incompatibility and cross-compatibility in three populations of European globeflower (Trollius europaeus L.) by observing the pollen tubes growth. Acta Soc Bot Pol. 86 (2): 3553
Antkowiak W (2002): Interpopulation variability of globeflower (Trollius europaeus L. subsp. europaeus) in north-western Poland. – Rocz. AR. Pozn. 347 (5): 3 – 4.
Anwander H (2001): Das EU-LIFE-Natur-Projekt Benninger Ried. Ein Beitrag zum Schutz des letzten Vorkommens von Armeria purpurea Koch (Purpur-Grasnelke). BayLfU 156: 105-118.
Appelhans M, Weber H C, Imhof S (2008): Rutaceae sampled from Germany, Malta, and Mallorca (Spain) are associated with AMF clustering with Glomus hoi Berch & Trappe. Mycorrhiza 18: 263-268.
Azul AM, Ramos V, Pato A, Azenha M, Freitas H (2008): Mycorrhizal types in the Mediterranean Basin: safety teaching and training. J. Biol. Edu. 42: 130-137.